Home Made Airband Receiver Radio

Check out this old school home made airband receiver that I got from Scotland around 1 + years back. Has some issues but will make an excellent restoration project. I've got too many things going on myself to try and fix it so decided to sell it on eBay as spares or repairs. It wasn't up for sale for very long. Someone who loves home made stuff snapped it up really quickly.


It does have an issue where the read out from the dials at the front does not match the frequency. Its all topsy turvy. So I think its only really the front frequency dial mechanism that is faulty. Although I can not be completely sure.

Whilst it is faulty, it does actually work. It could pick up 1 air band transmission and a distant mainstream radio station. Not sure which one. That's all I could get it to pick up. Check out the video of it picking up Birmingham Airport [136.025MHz].

It comes with an antenna that I have posted about before on this blog. It's a piece of wire with an angled BNC connection. Old school cool. Works really well. I've tested it against normal antennas and it is just as good as them. And in some cases, better!


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